“Planning and Coordinating Your Retirement Course”

Register for the no-cost course near you!


About Our Courses

Our independent, academic-based, educational courses are for individuals and couples (pre-retirees or current retirees) looking for a comprehensive course that brings together all areas of Retirement Planning and Coordination including Tax Planning, Legal/Estate Planning, Social Security and Medicare, Insurance Needs, Investment Strategies, and More.

Course times: Weekdays 5:30pm-8:45pm and Saturdays 8:30am-11:45am (click to register for specific days/times).

Locations: Colleges, Universities, Community Centers, and “Live” Online Virtual Events.


Our courses are founded with the belief that the financial industry was broken in the way that it helps individuals and couples best prepare for and coordinate all areas of Retirement. Through independent, academic-based, educational courses, we hope to put the control back in the hands of the Retiree.


What to expect



Register for an event

Courses are held throughout the year.

If you would like to receive our monthly course schedule please click below.


Confirmation & Details

You will receive a confirmation email and details prior to your event.


Attend (Parts 1 and 2)

Attend an academic course held by one of our Certified Instructors. (No cost to attend).

Begin your retirement journey today. Registration is open for our Winter/Spring courses.


(Click Button Above to Register)

(Click Button Above to Register)